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Open SMS without changing unread symbol

You want to read someone else's SMS from their mobile. But if you read it then the message symbol will show as opened. And you think that he will mind for reading his message. Here you are so curious to read the new unread message.

See also how to send free SMS on mobile through Bluetooth.

It is very bad to read someone else's message without his/her permission. Whatever it is, now come to the point. You want to read the unread message without changing message envelope symbol (i.e. unread message).
  • If a message come, do not open it. Just click on back button to close the message symbol in main window.
  • Now go to Inbox and keep your pointer on unread message.
  • Go to Option and select Forward message button.
  • Here you will see the text of the message. After read the message don't forward the message, just exit it.
  • Now go to Inbox. Look, the message symbol is as unread message.
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